Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


Most of students are not practiced to write. Usually, when we were in elementary school learned to write, the main skill just how to organize letter by letter becomes a word which has a meaning. We seldom to practice writing application to share our ideas, feelings, story, etc. Most of us define writing is something boring and difficult. Many arguments appear that writing is not difficult at all. There is also an opinion that our ideas will flow and come out easily. Is it true?
The inspiration can be gained from everywhere, our environment or personal experiences. Often, it depends on the skills of writer to manage words impressively. The sensitivity of writers requires in paying attention to all around of them. The empathy is a keyword that not all of people can get inspiration. Professional writers get brilliant inspiration from finding process, thinking a topic deeply and involving imagination and full emotion.
Writing in Professional contexts is one of Skill Courses in English Education Department. Students get this course in second semester. It has 2 credits hours. This course consists of 1) English writing capability with good and acceptable grammatical structure and vocabularies in professional career contexts as an English teacher also developing main ideas become the coherent essay. 2) Understanding of writing in workplace contexts by practicing to write expository and persuasive to inform and petition. 3) Developing an accurate awareness of information and petition when produce a writing for student’s profession. Some of the activities are practical training of writing criticism, various kinds of texts (procedure, exposition, argumentative, explanation, narrative) and some works of literature like poetry and short stories. Students’ writing is discussed with peer editing and tutorial by Lecturer.
Professional writing has a connection with rhetorical general idea. Rhetoric itself intended to influence someone or the readers by using words impressively. In addition, someone who professional in writing should has a lot of knowledge and capability at writing.
If someone has no planning to be a good writer as her or his profession in the future, they should still prepare for the unpredictable writing for his career. Any professional careers will require some works of writing, so an experience in professional writing will be useful for student.
Professional writers are surely creditable in the work circumstances for their much ability such as creativity, well-communicated skills, mastering technology changes and other social skills. Professional writers are required to have exceptional focusing in precise writing skills to prepare them in workplace in any job.
Professional writing joins liberal and professional education with a firm principal of rhetoric. It gives career orientation and particularly planned to prepare students to get good profession. This course is designed to improve writing capability that requires in facing workplace. Writers have to both high writing skills and knowledge.

By: Rini

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